18 Genius Stuffed Animal Storage Ideas


Is your kids room overflowing with toys? Organize them with these genius stuffed animal storage ideas.

Is your kids room overflowing with toys? Organize them with these genius stuffed animal storage ideas.

Is your child’s room overflowing with stuffed animals? Kids easily outgrow their stuffed toys. And if your home is getting conquered by those stuffed toys these DIY ideas will help you.

The best thing about these projects is that most of them are cheap to make. You may even be able to put them together from things that you already have around the house, which would make them totally free.

1. Stuffed Animal Swing

When your kids reach that age when they don’t play much with their stuffed animals but they’re still not quite ready to get rid of them, this stuffed animal swing is a brilliant idea.

2. Curtain Rod

Install a curtain rod and let the animals hang off it. What a cute and simple option!

3. Stuffed Animal Barn

To keep toys from spreading out, let them go up! I love the stuffed animal zoo, and this clever mama’s stuffed animal barn is brilliant, too.

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