How to Clean Your Greasy Cabinets


Here are a few easy and simple ways to clean those greasy cabinets in no time!

Here are a few easy and simple ways to clean those greasy cabinets in no time!

Whether it’s kids who forget to wash their hands or you when you’re cooking something, cabinets easily get greasy messes all over them, especially around the handles and knobs. Instead of just letting the mess build up and look bad.

Homemade Solution

There’s no need to go out and buy expensive chemical cleaners for your cabinets, no matter what material they’re made from. Just make a mixture of 2 tablespoons of Dawn dish soap and 2 cups warm water. Dip a cloth in it, wipe down the greasy parts, and then dry with a cloth. Repeat as necessary.

Baking Soda

If that doesn’t work, then try some baking soda. Just rub some baking soda onto a dry cloth and then scrub down the greasy cabinet. This should work a little better and really get into the grain of the wood. Wipe off, clean with another cloth, and repeat if needed.

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