If You Use Borax In Your Home These 33 Miracles Will Happen


You will be surprised after seeing these 33 amazing borax uses around the home!

You will be surprised after seeing these 33 amazing borax around the home!

1. Treat Boron Deficiency in the Garden

Your plants can benefit from borax as much as you. Stunted growth, browning of foliage and absence of blooms are all common signs of boron deficiency in the garden. Green, leafy vegetables like broccoli and cabbage are especially hungry for micronutrients like boron. Here’s a detailed post on Borax Uses for Garden!

2. Garbage Disposal Cleaner

We all know how smelly our garbage bin can become. Well, a nice way to counteract the odors and sanitize it is by sprinkling three tablespoons of borax onto the disposal. Then let it stay for an hour and flush it off with warm water.

3. Kill Weeds

Stop the incessant hassle of killing weeds with a potent homemade herbicide containing borax and water. Spray this on the weeds carefully as you don’t want to kill the plants you like. See the recipe here!

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